National Veterans Service Fund Rip-off - No Thanks
Today's mail brought a letter from the National Veterans Services Fund with the plaintive question, "Have you forgotten to say "thank you"?"
It also included a "thank you" card that would be sent to the veterans.
It went on from there to ask for a contribution to provide services to "our brave disabled military veterans." .
Now, I am as fervent a supporter of America's veterans as anyone. Heck, I am one. Not disabled. But I served and I did so voluntarily. No one respects their services and sacrifices for our freedom and safety than I do. I was ready to put a "gift" in the envelope with the thank you card and send it back to them.
Then I read the disclaimer. 80.91% of the funds go to fundraising costs. 15.52% goes to public education in conjunction with fundraising appeals. 1.32% goes to administration, leaving just 2.25% of funds collected for program services.
The members of this organization may think that a $10 contribution to them, with just $2.25 going to actually serve veterans is a way to say "Thank you".
I don't "thank" so.
If you get one of these mailings or one like it, please read the disclaimer and only give your money if you have nothing better to do with it.
There has to be a better way.
The vets would actually only get $0.225 (twenty two and a half cents) out of ten dollars.
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